Saturday, May 24, 2014


You probably saw it from the 101 Freeway.  You may have heard about it as the inspiration of the Disney ride. The Hollywood Tower.....

Is it a historic building?  Yes. It was built in 1929, and is in the National Register. But not because it has a particularly interesting past. The truth: No major actor or really famous person from the Golden Era has lived there. Any ghost lives there?  Any murder?   None that we know of......  

The Hollywood Tower today is a fancy apartment building. A very nice place to live in, with good views from the upper floors, but is not supposed to be a tourist attraction.

Did it inspire the Disney ride?  Probably.  Hollywood does not have another similar tower that could have been the source of inspiration. Then there is the issue of the sign. The Disney one is very similar to the real tower's.   Please note: The architecture however is totally different, although the Orlando park's  tower has pointed spirals that are somewhat similar to the ones in the Hollywood building. Note that this was the original ride.....  

Want to take a picture of the front?   Not very easy. Go up Vine from Hollywood Boulevard, then turn right two blocks before reaching the freeway. Try to find a view from there. 

The actual address: 6138 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028   From the official entrance you will get a picture similar to the one below.