Monday, November 11, 2013


The sign is probably the most famous thing about LA.....after Disneyland!!!  But while the theme park has official imitators around the world, there is only ONE sign. It is our Big Ben, our Eiffel Tower.

The Big Ben, The Eiffel Tower, the tower of Pisa.....are all very accesible. They have avenues, parks around them. Not the sign. You can see it from many places, but it is far away. Specially when you want to take a picture. The zoom? Yes, but you lose some quality. And you cannot get a good picture of the sign with a person in front.

So the question is. Where can I go to get a decent picture of myself with the sign?

Lots of places advertise that they are "the best place to see the sign" but we know as Angelenos that they are wrong. They just want your money.   Here is our advise.

It is difficult to get a photo op close to the sign because the area is full of hills, and constructions. You end up driving round and round in the residential area around N Beachwood.....and fail to find a spot. There are just a few places to get a really good picture (like the one you see.....)

The best places.

Lake Hollywood Dr. The area round the resevoir has some spots. 
Deronda Drive.  Not easy, but you can find a good spot.

Griffith Park Observatory

One of the main tourist attractions anyway, so you can do both things with one trip. This is not the best spot. You are taking the picture from one side, and "hill to hill" But you can do so in comfort, and the pictures will be OK.  

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