Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Few people know that there are caves in Griffith made caves, artificial, but hey! This is LA!  They have always been popular with filmmakers and appear in countless films.

The Bronson Caves are the result of construction companies taking stone from that area of the park to use in the construction of the surrounding streets and houses. There is also a version that the railway company also used some of the stone.
This happened between 1903 and the late 1920s ,and then, having run out of stone, the whole area was a quarry.
Since it is a very accesible place, filmakers started using it as a location for Westerns and science fiction movies that needed a cave in the middle of the wilderness.

Since the "caves" are really a short tunnel, only some angles are tipically used in the scenes. Probably the most famous use of the caves is in the Batman TV series.

How to get there? 
 From Franklin Avenue, one can go north on Canyon Drive until the end of the drive. Soon after entering the park,  you can leave your car in the parking lot on the right. (see photo)

You walk round the metallic bridge, and take the dirt path to the caves. No signs but you can't get lost.  It is a very short walk.